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20 Tips to Increase Facebook Likes Faster for Your Facebook Page

20 Tips to Increase Facebook Likes Faster for Your Facebook Page

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If you have a Good Budget for Promoting on Social Media then you can try Facebook Paid Ads

Facebook has become Biggest Online Advertising Social Media Network. And No doubt it has number of Members.  It is now obvious that Almost all Bloggers will try to Increase Facebook Likes for the Page to show their Followers Count to more Incoming Visitors daily and hence increase the Traffic simultaneously.
Many Bloggers find it difficult to Pay attention towards such Social Media activities as they do not get much time after Writing and Managing contents for their Blog and many other Important stuffs.
Yes they should first pay Attention towards Quality and then towards Marketing but it should not be Neglected. So I am going to share some tips which are very easy to follow and will Surely Increase Facebook Likes faster for your Page which will not take much time to Implement.

1) Write Quality Content

There is no Option for this. You Must Constantly deliver unique and Quality content to your readers. If you are not doing this then you will certainly loose many likes for your Page because there will not be any use and it will be irritating for the readers that very common topics are getting displayed in their News Feed. That will make it Unwanted and Hence you may lose Likes.

2) Write a Good Bio and Choose Good Username for Page

This is another Point of attraction for readers which will Increase Facebook Likes faster. Writing a Good Bio and Choosing a Proper Username increases a Reputation among readers and Hence trust. You should choose your Blog name as a Facebook Page URL. Also try to add some Interesting bio rather than Boringly describing what your Blog is gonna deliver to the readers. The Bio should be Friendly in words which will attract more users.  Also you should describe in Such a way that readers should think that the Page is gonna notify for really Interesting Stuff. 
You should choose your Blog name as a Facebook Page URL

3) Design a Good Logo and Facebook Cover Page

I do not really need to explain what is the Role of logo in attracting readers and consumers. A good logo will certainly Pull some attraction from Facebook users and Readers to your Page which will Increase Facebook likes. Once the user in on your Page, he/she sees three things viz. 1) Logo Icon, 2) Cover, 3) Bio and Posts. Logo Icon should be 180×180 pixels in measurements and the Cover Photo must be having resolution 8511×315 which will fit the Page exactly. Hire any Good Logo Designer to Design such Logo and Cover Page for you.

4) Choose a Good and Unique Template Design

Choosing a Template Design is one of the Starters steps. I think most of the bloggers will not agree that Choosing any Template Design will Increase Facebook likes, they might be true about this, it may not make much difference but a Poor template design will. Because the Facebook user might get a Bad impression just because of your Template Design.

5) Ask Your Friends and Invite E-Mail Contacts

This is the Very common step followed by Page Admins. I have seen many People asking for likes on Facebook Chats. Well I will say that Please do not Overdo it. Just Ask Your Friends to like from the Options provided in the Facebook Page Admin Panel. Also many Bloggers keep telling about E-Mail marketing. Use such email lists to Invite using E-Mail Contacts.

6) Use Facebook Like Box In Sidebar

Show your Facebook Likes Count and ask Visitors to Like your Page and Place this Box in the Primary Sidebar of your Website/Blog. This box should be placed at the top of the Sidebar, means when any page is opened the visitor sees this Like Box when he/she checks sidebar. You can choose to add Facebook Streaming in this Like box if you want to.

7) Use Facebook LightBox Plugin to Increase Facebook Likes

You can choose from the Several LightBox plugins which is displayed whenever a new page is opened. This Lightbox appears every-time you open a new page which prompts users to click Like button provided in the Likebox. Believe me Most of the Users are logged into Facebook all the time so when the search engine traffic flows to your website/blog the likes increases with a tremendous speed.

8) Build a Strong Network Among Bloggers

When You Build a Strong Network Among Famous Bloggers you can ask them to Like Your Page which will notify their Friends and Followers. So some users will check your Page and even like it. Also it helps to get likes for your Posts and Updates from your Blog/Website. But do not Forget to share and Like content from other Bloggers. Because “Sharing is Caring.”

9) Arrange Giveaways

This is one of the Most Successful ways to Increase your Social Media Followers count and hence Increase Facebook Likes. You can ask your Readers to Like/Share Facebook Page and its content. Share your Giveaway links to Maximum Facebook Groups and Comment on CommentLuv blogs with Recent Post of the Giveaway.

10) Use Like to Download

Provide Some Unique Downloads on your Blog/Website for which you should ask just for a Like. You can create it at Like to Download. Just Enter Facebook Page URL, then Download link, then Width, color scheme and email address. And use this on your website/blog to pull more likes offering this download.

11) Use CommentLuv Plugin

I really do not need to tell you About CommentLuv Plugin. Just configure your Settings so that if a Blogger wants to comment and wants to choose a Post from its last 10 posts then he/she must like the post. This will Increase the Facebook Page Reach and increase the likes for the Posts.

12) Post Something Interesting Daily On Your Facebook Page

Post something unique and Interesting daily on your Facebook fan page. But do not go Out of your niche. For example you can try Some Jokes, Banners,Trolls, Quotes which resembles to your Niche. You Should Not be Posting Jokes About Fashion if you are following a Tech niche. In Short you should Target your type of audience with what they Like.

13) Add Photos While Promoting Links

Generally Users Just Post Links with the Thumbnails and expect to get Traffic from Facebook. But this is not enough to get traffic and increase Facebook likes. Try to Add Some unique Image which describes the link you are posting with. Try to Find some Humorous Image which will pull some more Facebook users and bring them in reach. This will increase Facebook Fans Faster than Posting Just links.

14) Join Facebook Groups

There are Many Facebook Groups which are used by bloggers to Promote their Posts. Join them and Post your Post Links and Images which will bring them to Limelight and get More Likes from Bloggers and others. Also you can make A group By yourself if you have a great network among bloggers. If you will create a group by yourself then being Admin you will get more attention than other Bloggers in the Group.

15) Make Multiple Admins and Moderators for your Facebook Page

Making Multiple Admins and Moderators for your page can help to Post constant and Unique content through Facebook Page and target Facebook Users. Also it will help to interact with readers in the comments which will increase the Facebook Page reach will will bring you more likes.

16) Like Famous Pages

Like Pages with High Number of Likes (Like With Page Account). Remember liking the Page is not enough but being active is more Important. When you will Comment on these Pages the Commentators will try to check out your Page and you will get likes. I have observed one thing that the users on Famous Pages just keep on Liking the Pages they See. So If you are active there then you may get Many Such likes who are desperate to Like Pages(Even I was Shocked When I Discovered that such Users Exists!!)

17) Use Viral Marketing Strategies

Most of the Successful Bloggers are recommending to use Viral Marketing methods to get More traffic and Social Network Followers. It is very Obvious but these techniques must not be limited only for your Content but also for your Facebook Page. You can try different things such as Posting Info-graphics, Making a user’s fool on April Fools Day etc. To Pull More likes. People love Viral Content as it is indeed Unique.

18) Use QR Codes

QR codes have been a Great use to get Information with a Scan. Use these QR codes tools to generate a Landing Page when the Code is Scanned. The Code will redirect to the Facebook Page which when liked users will get Latest Updates on their News Feed.

19) Use Facebook Apps

You can Hire any Programmer to Develop some Interesting or Viral Apps for your Facebook Page which will Pull you more Likes. You can provide Games, or Any unique content using these Facebook Apps. You can even program it to ask Your users to ask their Friends to like the Page(to make them send the Like Invitation.)

20) Use Paid Facebook Ads

Last and Important. If you have a Good Budget for Promoting on Social Media then you can try Facebook Paid Ads to advertise your Brand over Facebook. The links will get displayed in the sidebars to Random users. You can set your Budget and CPC.You can also select audience according to your Interests. Facebook will show these ads in Sponsored category to which most users must be aware.

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